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When Friday night lights become Saturday morning injuries

Tell Us Where Does It Hurt?

Maine chiropractic

Some common condition we treat:

  • Neck pain/ Whiplash
  • Acute Low Back Pain
  • Disc Herniations
  • IT Band Syndrome
  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)
  • Mechanical Dysfunction at the hip or foot
  • Patellar Tendonitis (Jumpers Knee)
  • Torn Meniscus
  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Piriformis Syndrome
  • Sciatica
  • Shin Splints (Tibial Stress Syndrome)
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Slip and Falls on Ice
  • Postural Pain
  • Sports Injuries
  • Travel Injuries
  • Lifting Injuries
  • Headaches/ Migraines
  • TMJ/ Jaw pain
  • Frozen shoulder/ Adhesive capsulitis
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What is Graston Technique?
Graston Technique is an innovative and proven approach to the diagnosis and treatment acute and chronic soft-tissue injuries. It is performed with patented stainless-steel instruments designed to detect and treat soft-tissue fibrosis (scar tissue) in order to reduce pain and restore function. Our chiropractors at Mend Health of Maine have been certified in the application of Graston Technique to help correct scar tissue.

How is Scar Tissue Treated?
Just as a stethoscope amplifies what the human ear can hear, the Graston instruments amplify what the human hand can feel. Our Mend Health of Maine certified providers of the Graston Technique are trained in how to scan the tissue for areas of scar tissue build-up, allowing previously undetected areas of fibrosis to be treated effectively. Once the dysfunctional tissue has been identified, the your Portland Maine Chiropractor can use the appropriate tool to focus on the area of adhesion and break down the scar tissue for the body to absorb. The small amount of inflammation created by the treatment process stimulates connective tissue remodeling through resorption of excessive fibrosis, and induces repair and regeneration of collagen secondary to fibroblast recruitment. This will lead to the breakdown, or release of scar tissue, fascial restrictions and adhesions.

How Can I Benefit?
Graston Technique® protocols include a thorough medical history—to include a focused mechanical history and to rule out contraindications, as well as to identify the effects of activity (type, frequency, duration, intensity, range of motion, loaded vs. unloaded)—before treatment starts to determine response to care. A physical examination is performed that may also include active and passive range of motion, orthopedic, neurological and functional tests.

If you are interested in obtaining more information regarding our many soft tissue mobilization techniques near Portland Maine, please contact our Mend Health of Maine team in Scarborough.
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PNF Stretching with Ally Nye
If you have an athletic lifestyle, you know that stretching is the most important part of both a pre and post exercise routine. Often times, we do not spend enough time stretching after a workout or even a long day of sitting in the office.

This leaves us with stiff muscles, low performance, and more likely to have an injury. In the hands of our amazing, experienced, and passionate PNF trainer you will see increased range of motion, a better hold on your stretch, and repeat movement sequences that you cannot achieve on your own.

When your body is not properly stretched and taken care of, being stretched by an experienced trainer allows your body to go beyond the typical stretching routine using different routines to get the ultimate stretch.

A PNF stretching session at Mend Health & Wellness can help you prevent injuries and ease aches and pains. For the best sports stretching to prevent injuries in Southern Maine contact the team at Mend Health & Wellness.

If you are interested in obtaining more information regarding our many stretching techniques in Maine, please contact our Mend Health and Wellness team in Scarborough Maine.